What is Reflective Parenting?
“Reflective capacity is the natural way we make sense of ourselves and each other. When parents are reflective, children do better - emotionally, socially, academically, and physically. It also serves a protective function against the negative impact of too much stress.”
John F. Grienenberger, Ph.D.
3 Pillars of Understanding: Core Elements of Reflective Capacity
Breaking the Cycle: Overcoming Parenting Pitfalls
Reflective capacity is not a perfect system.
When we observe our child's behavior, we often jump to conclusions.
Then we respond to our conclusion, not to the reason why the behavior is happening.
And to complicate things further, when we feel an intense emotion, such as sadness, rejection, or embarrassment, we are more likely to respond based on our own feelings than to what is actually going on inside the child.
Stress-Proof Your Parenting: Boosting Your Reflective Capacity
Stress reduces our reflective capacity. So what can parents do? Slow down, push pause, and reflect on what might be going on inside the child and themselves.
When we are reflective, we are better able to recognize mistakes, clarify misunderstandings, and resolve conflicts - all of which are stress-reducing and promote resilience.
Nurturing Minds, Shaping Futures: The Power of Reflective Parenting
Reduce Stress
Parents Feel More Confident
Helps to Regulate Child's Emotions
Improves Emotion Self-Regulation
Children become more cooperative
Reduces Depression & Anxiety
Real Parents, Real Results