Reflect to Protect Your Child's Future in the Age of COVID
Reflective parenting strengthens the parent-child relationship by helping parents better manage the stressful situations that arise while raising children.
One huge cost of letting the expanded child tax credit die? Harm to developing brains
As a psychiatrist who works with parents to help them teach their children how to better cope with stress, I applaud the OP-ED piece by REBECCA SCHWARZLOSE AND JOAN LUBY
How to Embrace the Struggle: Live Discussion and Q&A with Regina Pally
Is your child defiant? Feeling frustrated or judged? Are arguments becoming more common? Totally over it all?
Learn how to reframe your approach in relationships using brain science and proven techniques to take the power struggle out. Strengthen all your relationships by learning about reflective listening. This is about “you, me and we.”
Using Covid-19 as an Opportunity to Help Kids Develop Independence
“Dad.” “Daaad.” “Daaaaaaad!!!” All day. Every day. Yep, this is the new soundtrack of my life, and probably many of yours. My home office (my bedroom) is part workspace, part maze of paper stacks, and part homeschool. It’s crazy. I have two kids, ages 10 and 12. I’m not proud to admit that more than once a day during the lockdown I want to bonk their heads together like the Three Stooges.
Grandparents and Kids: It’s a Win-Win
If you are lucky enough to have parents who want to spend time with your kids, make it happen. A research study at Oxford shows that “a high level of grandparental involvement increased the well-being of children.” Their study of more than 1,500 children showed that those with a high level of grandparental involvement had fewer emotional and behavioral problems.
How Parents Are More Alike Than Different
I will be presenting about Reflective Parenting to therapists and parents in China in May 2019. What I have learned in preparing for my presentation has amazed and pleased me. Much to my surprise, it turns out that the Chinese know a lot about and are very interested in our more western ways of parenting.
Think for Yourself in this Age of Abundant Expert Advice
Reflective Parenting encourages parents to think for themselves. This is because ‘there’s no one right way to parent’, ‘no one size fits all’ and there’s always more than one way to handle any situation you may face with your child. Now, Emily Oster, an economics professor at Brown gives one of the best arguments I’ve ever seen in favor of these ideas.
Authoritative Parenting Works
This is a good article, but the title is deceiving. The title implies that helicopter parenting helps kids achieve more: an implication I disagree with. I think the problem is that the author does not fully understand what helicopter parenting actually means.